Galungan is a Balinese holiday celebrating the victory of dharma overadharma. It marks the time when the ancestral spirits visit the Earth. The last day of the celebration is Kuningan, when they return. Galungan begins on the Wednesday (Buda) of Dunggulan, the 11th week of the 210 day pawukon calendar. This means that there are often two celebrations per solar year. Galungan marks the beginning of the most important recurring religious ceremonies. The spirits of deceased relatives who have died and been cremated return to visit their former homes, and the current inhabitants have a responsibility to be hospitable through prayers and offerings. The most obvious sign of the celebrations are the penjor - bamboo poles with offerings suspended at the end. These are installed by the side of roads. A number of days around the Kuningan day have special names, and are marked by the organization of particular activities.
Balinese people pray in their family temple when Galungan day, then after they finished to pray in the family temple, the also pray another temple. Like on the picture above. Balinese people pray to Tri Semesti Temple, everybody can come and pray in this temple to have blessing from the God.
If you want to look Galungan Celebration in Bali north part, you can contact Ogi Balidriver : +6287762602874,
You also can see and use Balinese clothes , Like this picture below